Congratulatory Address by Speaker of RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan on 28th Anniversary of Declaration of Armenia’s Independence
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“Dear compatriots,

Today we celebrate the 28th anniversary of the restoration of the Armenian independent statehood.

On August 23, 1990 the Supreme Council of the 12th convocation of the Soviet Armenia ratified a fundamental document with the name Armenia’s Independence Declaration .

Its twelve items seem to be brief and small Constitution of not yet created Armenian independent and democratic statehood. And we should sacredly keep its all provisions, because only by that way we shall defend all for which we stood for fight to declare prior values in 1988.

Even after twenty-eight years it is difficult to say if Armenia’s Independence Declaration was the childhood of our political mind or the reflection of the legal mind maturity.

It is distinct that it was the continuity of 24 November 1988 sitting of the Supreme Council of the 11th convocation of the Soviet Armenia left incomplete, when the after midnight the parliament announced that from now on the laws only approved by the Armenian SSR Supreme Council are in force. The armoured vehicles entered into the capital of Armenia, but the parliament had already ratified the people’s will.

The Declaration of August 23 is at the same time the most important guideline and starting point, but none of its 12 provisions were of declarative character, but became a reality due to our struggle, deprivations and sacrifices.

Dear compatriots,

In our holiday calendar August 23 is written with golden letters, and it has become the symbol of the will and resoluteness for making reality the dream of the Armenians’ several generations.

Decades will follow each other, numerous laws will be revised, and amendments will be made in the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia. However, as we, so every future generation should keep the genuinely democratic and national values, the freedom of speech, press, conscience, the legal equality of legislative, executive and judicial authorities formulated in Armenia’s Independence Declaration were declared fundamental values on 23 August 1990.

I wish you all the best on that path,” the congratulatory address by the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan reads.

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