Congratulatory Address by Ara Babloyan on 27th Anniversary of Declaration of RA Independence
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“Dear compatriots,

Today in Armenia, in Artsakh and in the Diaspora we are celebrating the 27th anniversary of declaration of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia.

The past twenty-seven years are years of state building, establishment of democracy and formation of civil society. There have been years of transformation of all spheres of state and public life and elaboration of the national legislation.

At the same time Armenia became a full-fledged member of the international community, actively took part in the creation of the inter-state different allies, by that expanding and strengthening the possibilities of the development of its economy and security environment.

This day of 1991 standing before predictable and unpredictable challenges, numerous ordeals and questions marks, we outlined the free future of our Motherland with irrevocable decision. The way of building independent statehood passed with the paths of war for us. And today celebrating the next birth anniversary of the Republic of Armenia, first of all, we should eternalize the bright memory of those who have fallen for defending the Motherland, the Armenians and the meaning of September 21.

Eternal glory to them!

Dear friends,

September 21 symbolizes the glorious pages of the centuries-old struggle of the Armenian people for the independence and the moments full of ordeals and has become the legal ratification of our aspiration of building free future. Thanks to it today we preserve and develop our civilized unique and rich heritage, we have democratic society, protected Motherland and a state integrated to the most important processes of the changing world in reckless speed.

We have reached these achievements with popular struggle, and to preserve and strengthen them today, and always it is necessary to perceive the simple reality that the future of the Republic of Armenia is in our hands.

Dear compatriots,

September 21 was written with indelible letters in our state calendar first of all, due to the Armenian people’s unity.

During the recent period we are living in tense months of the inner-political struggle.

However, even the most dramatic moments of the past twenty-seven years have proved that we overcome all ordeals with the collective wisdom of the people, and we believe in our forces and make reality the programmes of future. I am confident that now it will be like that and the time of the constructive discussions aimed at finding solutions will begin.

Everybody will realize our place, role and responsibility towards Armenia and the Armenian people, and we will contribute to building the Motherland dreamed by all of us in all possible way in the most different spheres.

Once again I congratulate all of us on Independence Day and the 27th anniversary of declaration of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia. I wish you health, peace and welfare,” the congratulatory address by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan reads.

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