Congratulatory Message on the 95th Anniversary of the Establishment of Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University by Galust Sahakyan
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The congratulatory message of the National Assembly President reads: “I congratulate the students, professors and lecturers, the whole staff and graduates of Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University on the 95th  anniversary of the establishment of the higher educational institution.

There is a rich chronicle, several generations of scientists and pedagogues genuinely devoted to their work, the doctor’s oath and duty, behind this jubilee. This is the higher educational institution, where the years and the works done are worth of pride. It is gratifying that through decades the succession of generations is kept here, and the gained achievements and the received heritage are multiplied.

During more than nine decades the higher educational institution has passed a glorious path, becoming one of the largest scientific and educational institutions having high rate in our country and region. Here doctors, different specialists, who had and continue having their significant contribution today in preserving the people's life and health, are prepared. For more than twenty years the University is also a basis for training military doctors, and today the considerable part of the medical staff of the Armenian armed forces is the graduate of this higher educational institution.

At present Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University has its constant state and public recognition, and its high rate both in our country and beyond its borders is the evidence of it. It is a modern multi-level system of training high quality specialists.

The modern realities make stricter the requirements of the doctors' training, hence it is necessary to upgrade and master new technologies for corresponding to them and keeping pace with time. I am glad that modern educational programmes and teaching methods are actively installed in state medical university and innovation projects are elaborated in  complinace with the modern healthcare. Today, new tasks are put before the higher educational institution, but one problem is unchanged: to provide qualified, and at the same time available education corresponding with modern requirements. I am sure that Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University will successfully solve also this problem with unified team, with confidence towards future.

I wish everybody welfare and optimism, as well as further successes in the preservation and strengthening of the people’s health and training of highly qualified medical staff.”

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