Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on the 25th Anniversary of Azg Daily Publication
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The RA NA Speaker’s congratulatory message reads:

“I congratulate the staff and the readers of Azg daily on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its publication.

Being created at the beginning of the 90s of the last century Azg daily genuinely became one of the first independent publications of the newly independent Armenia: bringing new word, new style and culture in the newest history of the Armenian press. With your professional editorial and correspondents for more than two decades the newspaper with its staring attention observed and on its pages touched upon the most important events taking place in Armenia, in the region and in the world, including all the spheres: from politics to culture, from the social to educational, from economy to sport.

The role of Azg daily is significant in the strengthening of Armenia-Diaspora relations. The newspaper has given wide opportunity to the readers of Armenia to get acquainted with life and activities of our people’s public, political, national and cultural merited figures worldwide and the problems of Diaspora.

The cultural appendices of the periodical have become a special platform presenting the Armenian classical and modern art, where the well-known art critics and intellectuals with their analytical articles, publications have raised the pearls, problems existing in the culture and the tendencies of the development.

The daily has consistently been a bridge between the Armenian Apostolic Church and our community, becoming a commentator and disseminator of the spiritual values.

The contribution of Azg daily is considerable in making reachable the information from Armenia and pro-Armenian news to the foreign readers due to its online version.

Through many years the editorial house of the newspaper has become a special school, where many journalists, commentators and analysts have improved their capabilities and skills.

The 25-year path of Azg daily has not passed smoothly. The newspaper in parallel with its astral hours has had hard days conditioned by the progress of the new technologies, creation and multiplication of various information means, often uncompromising competition existing in the information field. However, the daily succeeded to keep its role and image, find new, modern solutions due to its editorial board and the experienced editor-in-chief, continuing to promote the further work of the civil society.

Once again congratulating the staff and the editor-in-chief on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Azg daily publication, I wish them continuous effective work, further creative successes and an army with large number of faithful readers.”

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