Arsen Mikhaylov
Sequential number
Birth date
"Republican Party of Armenia" /RPA/

Born on January 29, 1963 in the village of Arzni in Kotayk province.

1981-1983 - Served in the Soviet Army.

1986 - Graduated from the Agricultural College of Ardatov city (Russia).

2008 - Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, of the M. Dz.Gzhitski Lvov State University. Engineer-livestock specialist.

1983 - 1989 - Secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Arzni state farm.

1989 - 1996 - Secretary of the party organization of the Arzni state farm.

1997 - 2017 - Deputy Head of Arzni Municipality.

1991 - 1994 - Deputy Chairman of the Assyrian Congress of the USSR.

1994 - 2001 - Deputy Chairman of the Assyrian Association of Armenia “Atur.”

Since 2001 - Chairman of Assyrian Association of Armenia “Atur.”

Since 2001 - Member of the Board of the World Union of Assyrians, Executive Secretary of the Assyrian Organizations of Eastern Europe.

Since 2001 - Co-author of the annual All-Assyrian Olympic Games “Tamuz,” held in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Since 2007 - Member of the Coordinating Council of the Organizations of the National Minorities adjunct to the Staff of the President of the Republic of Armenia.

April 2, 2017 - Elected Member of the National Assembly from the RPA national electoral list.

Married, with three children.