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Birth date

Hovik Azoyan was born on August 14, 1944 in Vaghoudi village in the Sisyan region.

Mr. Azoyan graduated from Kajaran Civil Engineering College in 1964, a two-year course in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1967 and is a specialist in civil and hydro construction. He was awarded a 2nd rank Martakan Khach order (War Cross) in 1994 and General Andranik (1998) and Marshal Baghramyan medals (1999).

From 1961-1964 he worked in the construction department #1 of the Kajaran Construction factory. From 1976-1978 he was a head of division in the construction department of Hayhydroshin Tatev hydro power station and from 1978-1984 was the head of the special division of the Arpa-Sevan construction department. He spent the next six years as a head of the self-financing system of the Gyughshin trust # 6. He took part in the Artsakh war for libertation, served as a commander of the defense battalion from 1990-1993, and from 1993-1994 he headed the Zangezour regional police division. From 1994-2003 he served as a commander of a motorized infantry regiment.

On May 25, 2003 he was elected as a deputy of the NA from electoral district # 51 where he serves as a member of the NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs. He is a member of the Republican Party of Armenia Faction and has no political party affiliation.

Mr. Azoyan is married and has three children.

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