Parliamentary Hearings on the Initiative of RA NA Way Out Faction
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On February 23, on the initiative of the RA NA Way Out Faction parliamentary hearings on the NA Draft Statement on 1-2 March 2008 Events were held.

The RA NA deputies, representatives of the state structures and different NGOs and experts took part in the hearings.

The participants of the hearings paid tribute to the memory of the victims of March 1-2 events.

The key speaker Nikol Pashinyan has presented the RA NA draft statement on 1-2 March 2008 Events, underlining that the goal of the parliamentary hearings is to strictly condemn the use of force by the police in the early morning of March 2 towards the RA citizens, who were having protest peaceful demonstrations against the results of the 2008 presidential elections, as well as filing criminal cases after those events and making judgments.

According to Nikol Pashinyan, though the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and Protection of Human Rights as a result of discussions, gave negative conclusion to the presented draft law, nevertheless, it will be submitted in the draft law of the agenda of the third session of the RA NA sixth convocation.

The representative of the relatives of 1-2 March events Sargis Kloyan has noted that their demand is not political underlining that they will fight in order all the guilty will be punished.

The Deputy Head of the Department for Investigation of Especially Important Cases of the RA Prosecutor General's Office Karen Bisharyan presented the report of the RA Prosecutor General's Office on the Procedure and Results of Examination Made on the Casualties of the Persons during the Events Occurred on 1-2 March 2008.

The Head of Vanadzor Helsinki Civil Assembly Artur Sakunts has noted that the legal assessment of 1-2 March events is not given until now.

The member of the Experts' Fact Finding Group Andranik Kocharyan presented details on the works done and the reports, underscoring that they received support by the society.

The questions addressed to the speakers related to the key events and actions occurred on 1-2 March and the decision on announcing emergency situation.

The RA NA deputies Gevorg Kostanyan, Aram Sargsyan, Samvel Farmanyan, Gagik Melikyan, Samvel Nikoyan also delivered speeches on the issue, presenting their viewpoints.

Artak Zeynalyan called on to pass the NA draft law on 1-2 March 2008 Events.

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