Students of Yerevan Smbat Byurat and Ayb Schools Visit RA National Assembly
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On March 23, within the framework of the Open Doors programme the pupils and teachers of Yerevan Smbat Byurat School visited the RA NA.

The NA deputy Ruzanna Muradyan met with the guests. First, the MP gave an opportunity to the pupils to present their knowledge about the structure and way of government of the National Assembly, then answered the questions addressed to her.

The NA deputy touched upon the authorities reserved to the President by the new Constitution and the problems concerning the gender equality.

Ruzanna Muradyan detailed the advantages of the parliamentary government and presented the oversight functions of the legislative body.

At the end of the meeting the MP and the guests took a tour in the Session Hall.

The next open lesson with the students of the Ayb School was also conducted by the RA NA deputy Ruzanna Muradyan.

The MP has underlined that the Ayb is a guideline school in the educational system. In her word, the cornerstone of ensuring the society’s welfare, the development of the economy is the human capital, and Armenia not having such natural resources should rely on that mental potential. In facing the inner and external challenges the deputy highlighted the Armenians being united and consolidated.

The speaker has presented in detail the process of turning into parliamentary government, noting that it creates further practical bases for the development of democracy. By Ruzanna Muradyan’s presentation the constitutional reforms were intended for the rise of the efficiency of the activities of the branches taking part in the government of the country.

She referred to the activities of the NA bodies, the Parliamentary Friendship Groups, the Inter-Parliamentary Committees, noting that the role of the opposition had risen in the system of the parliamentary government and the oversight functions of the legislative body have enlarged.

During the Q & A session they talked about the authorities reserved to the President of the Republic by the new Constitution, the women’s participation in the political processes and their presentation in the parliament, the legislative bases directed to the rise of the education quality and other issues.

During the open lesson the Araratian Bachelor’s Armenian general education programme internationally recognized and created by the Ayb Foundation was emphasized. It is designed for the schools of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora.