RA NA Standing Committees Convene Sittings
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On April 4, the RA NA Standing Committees convened sittings.

At the sitting moderated by Hakob Hakobyan the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs debated the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on State Allowances.

The key speaker Gevorg Gorgisyan and the RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan expressed their viewpoints on the draft law.

Afterwards the Committee debated and endorsed the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Medicine.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs Hakob Hakobyan and the RA Deputy Minister of Health Care Sergey Khachatryan presented details on the draft law.

It was proposed to include the revised draft law in the draft law of the regular sittings’ agenda.

At the sitting moderated by Vardevan Grigoryan the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment the draft law on Making Amendment and Addenda to the RA Law on Trade and Services and the enclosed package were debated and endorsed.

The RA Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments Hovhannes Azizyan, the member of the Committee Sergey Bagratyan, the Committee Chair Vardevan Grigoryan and the Committee Deputy Chair Araik Hovhannisyan highlighted the adoption of the package and presented recommendations.

The package of the draft laws will be included in the draft law of the agenda of the third session of the RA NA sixth convocation.

At the sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security moderated by Koryun Nahapetyan the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Code on Administrative Infringements was debated in the first reading.

The RA Deputy Head of Police Vardan Yeghiazaryan presented the recommendations of the RA Government.

The Committee members by voting refused the recommendations of the RA Government.

The RA NA deputy Hayk Babukhanyan expressed readiness to revise the draft law.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...