Congratulatory Address by RA NA President Ara Babloyan on Maternity and Beauty Day
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“Dear mothers,

I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Maternity and Beauty Day.

The love and devotion towards Motherland start from you which never end, as your motherly feelings. After the sublime of mission awarding life you have continuous important role in the human, public and state life. Your sowed kindness and warmth serve as a faithful guide in the inter-personal and also inter-state contacts. As a pillar of family, as a completeness of best human qualities with your wisdom and love you beautify the world and prompt us how to build the relationship between people and countries.

With the feeling of gratitude I would like to separately congratulate the soldiers’ mothers, due to their sons our border is reliably defended, and the dignified peace is guaranteed.

I express my deepest respect to the mothers with many children with congratulations, who with their special participation shape the demographic picture of the country.

I wish all of you health, happiness and welfare,” the address of the RA National Assembly President reads.

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