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NA President Artur Baghdasaryan’s Meeting with the Disabled

On March 5 at the invitation of the Council of the Blinds’ Association Artur Baghdasaryan met the members of the Association. Before the meeting the President opened the computer center in the house of culture, where 10 computers with special program are equipped. By the assistance of disabled council affiliated with NA President and a group of scientists of Scientific Research Institute of mathematical machines (led by Arman Kuchukyan) the system “Arev” (Sun) was elaborated, which gives full opportunities to people having problems with sight to work with a computer: to read, write, edit, use the Internet. During the meeting NA President Artur Baghdasaryan said that similar computer centers are already open and operate in the territory of the republic, and this program will proceed, enabling people with the limited sight to be fully integrated into the society, to study and work, also to find job through the Internet, “We have programs on the improvement of the social status of the disabled,” said Artur Baghdasaryan. We are going to set up such centers in all the regions of the republic, that I think is an important step in the sense of protection of the rights of the disabled citizens. In 2005-2006 a republican center for training and retraining of the disabled will be open in Armenia, which will give them an opportunity to participate in programs of training and a retraining corresponding with the international criteria, thus solving the job problems.” NA President reminded that during all his foreign visits this issue is raised and arrangements on programs on an exchange of experience and assistance are achieved with a number of countries.

During the meeting the Parliament President answered in detail all questions that related to returning the deposits and rise of salary and pension, creation of new jobs.

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