RA NA Staff to Continue Being One of the Most Disciplined, the Most Organized and the Most Effective Bodies in Our Country
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On May 5, employees of the state system were awarded the RA NA Speaker’s Letters of Acknowledgement for showing practical participation in the preparatory works of the special sitting of the RA National Assembly dedicated to assuming the office of the President of the Republic and fulfilling their office obligations with high efficiency.

In his word the Chief of Staff-Secretary General of the RA National Assembly Ara Saghatelyan has noted that in the preparatory phase the specialized approach and the professionalism have created precondition the ceremony to enjoy high evaluation by the political leadership of the country, as well as by the international structures and guests.

Ara Saghatelyan has particularly underlined that the parliament has a mission stabilizing the situation which is especially important in this period, documenting that the RA NA Staff is a body implementing professional activity irrespective of political forces and is obliged to continue being one of the most disciplined, the most organized and the most effective bodies in our country irrespective of political circumstances.

Thanking the employees for the works done and being done, Ara Saghatelyan has added that the Staff of the National Assembly, being a non political body, should carry on providing equal conditions for all political forces represented in the National Assembly.