Ara Babloyan Meets with Speaker of House of Commons of Canada in Quebec
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Visit of the delegation led by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan to Quebec continues. On July 5, within the framework of the visit Ara Babloyan met with the Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada Geoff Regan.

The RA NA President congratulated Geoff Regan on the occasion of the National Holiday of Canada, conveying him warm wishes. The Head of the parliament underlined that since the establishment of diplomatic relations firm friendly ties has been formed between the two countries. Touching upon the development of inter-parliamentary cooperation, in this issue the head of the RA legislative body highlighted the role of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups and the activation of the mutual visits. In Ara Babloyan’s word, despite the geographical distance, Armenia and Canada cooperate in bilateral and multilateral spheres.

The cooperation between the two countries within the framework of the international organizations, especially within the framework of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF) referred to. Noting that Canada showed an important support in supporting the holding of the Seventeenth Summit of the Heads of the States and Governments of La Francophonie in Yerevan in 2018, the RA NA President documented that Armenia would gladly host the high-ranking guests, including the official delegation of Canada.

With regards to the problem of the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, the Head of the RA Parliament has noted that our country highly assesses the crucial position of Canada in that issue: The House of Commons adopted a Resolution on recognizing the Armenian Genocide already in 2004, and in April 2015 a Resolution of reaffirming the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, as well as declaring a Memorial Day of the Armenian Genocide April 24.

The Head of the RA legislative body emphasized the balanced and impartial position adopted by the authorities of Canada in the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Ara Babloyan also talked about the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, noting that Armenia, being an EEU member, at the same time signed an agreement with the European Union. The RA NA President has underlined that Armenia is a country adhering to democratic values, and always takes steps in deepening democratic processes. In his turn Geoff Regan welcomed Armenia’s efforts to strengthening of democracy.

Issues on the effective cooperation with Canada in different spheres and the activities of the Canadian Armenian community were discussed. The sides have underlined that about 90.000 Armenians residing in Canada have considerable contribution to the development of bilateral relations and are actively involved in different spheres of Canada’s public life.

The Speaker of the House of Commons of Canada has underscored that the bilateral cooperation is laid on firm bases. He has documented that his country supports the efforts of Armenia directed to the peaceful settlement of the NK problem.

At the end of the meeting Ara Babloyan invited Geoff Regan to Armenia.

On the same day the RA NA President also met with the President of the National Assembly of Quebec and the APF Jacques Chagnon.

The Head of the RA NA delegation led by the RA NA President to the APF Margarit Yesayan also attended the meeting.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...