RA NA Delegation Takes Part in Works of OSCE PA Annual Session
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On July 6-12, the RA NA delegation led by Hermine Naghdalyan took part in the works of the OSCE PA Annual Session in Berlin in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE PA). The NA deputies Lena Nazaryan, Tigran Urikhanyan, Arman Saghatelyan and Karen Bekaryan were in the delegation.

During the session the members of the parliamentary delegation did active work, delivered 15 speeches and presented numerous proposals. The Armenian parliamentarians took part in the discussions of the political and other issues, works and meetings.

In her speech the MP Lena Nazaryan has touched upon the events happened in Armenia, noting that our country has showed itself as a democratic state and society, where the democracy is on the serious bases. In her word, Armenia has registered essential progress, at the same time high landmark for the region.

In his speech Tigran Urikhanyan answered the “accusation” questions of the Azerbaijani side directed to the Armenian side. The Armenian deputy has noted that the region is seriously militarized: Azerbaijan has passed all possible and impossible limits of armament. At the plenary session of the organization as an alarm has been sounded that the accumulating weapon is attacking and is directed against the Armenians.

In the issue of the Azerbaijani delegate A. Guliyev, there has been a hint about Minsk conference, where there has been a call to the Armenian side on returning to negotiation table. In response, it has been noted that the Armenian side has never left the negotiation process, meanwhile Azerbaijan tries to get out of the Minsk Group format and move the issue to other framework.

In Berlin Declaration favourable formulations have also been fixed. In the Resolution of the Political and Security Committee on an amendment has been included, where the principles of Helsinki Final Act have been fixed in detail.

In the item of Nagorno Karabakh conflict the Armenian side succeeded undertaking a call of additional means for reducing the tension on the line of contact. The general demand of the amendment is to unreservedly restart the negotiations for reaching the stable settlement of the conflict. A call is made to the Minsk-Group Co-Chairs to double the efforts in that direction.

The Resolution also includes an item, according to which, the OSCE is committed to strictly implement the settlement of the conflicts in its region through the established negotiation formats.

The Azerbaijani delegation also enjoyed criticism by other European deputies. They particularly, related to the elections held in Azerbaijan, the violation of human rights, the spreading of corruption in that country, as well as in the international structures.

The OSCE PA next, Autumn Meeting will be held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek in September.

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