RA NA President Ara Babloyan Sends Congratulatory Address on Knowledge Day
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“Dear compatriots,

I cordially congratulate all of us on Knowledge Day and New Educational Year.

Today is an unforgettable day and a beginning of a new phase of life especially for the first-year schoolchildren and the first-year students, who will begin to reveal a new world of recognition, knowledge and human relations. They will also learn to develop and harmonize their perceptions of freedom and responsibility, rights and obligations, realize the duty toward the Motherland and society. In that issue a greater role is reserved to the help that their parents and pedagogues should show.

Dear teachers and lecturers,

Today the next page of your pedagogical biography opens where I am hopeful many, many achievements will be recorded. They will witness that you continue the rich traditions of the Armenian centuries-old enlightenment. I wish you to have numerous occasions in this educational year for being proud of your students’ successes.

The knowledge and the qualified education serve as a firm basis on which our all programmes of building free society and dynamically developing, protected and welfare Armenia are anchored. And as the children connect the hopes of fulfilling their numerous children’s dreams with New Year, so we should connect the implementation of our innermost goals with every new educational year.

I address the educational centres of Armenia’s borderline communities and Artsakh with special feelings. The school bells sounding there spread through the whole country from the gates of the Motherland and sow trust in everybody’s souls towards future.

Thus, we should continue the further development of the educational systems of Armenia and Artsakh and the realization of the world progressive experience. We have necessary legislative field for it and we should be sure that the Armenian Parliament will always respond to every dictate of improving the laws concerning the educational system.

Once again I congratulate all of us on Knowledge Day and New Educational Year. I wish all the pupils and students, teachers and lecturers, all the employees of the educational system health, happiness, welfare and new successes and achievements,” the congratulatory address by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan reads.

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