Ara Babloyan Receives Ambassador of Arab Republic of Syria to Armenia
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On September 3, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic to Armenia Mohammed Haj Ibrahim.

Congratulating the Ambassador Ara Babloyan has noted that Armenia, having numerous commonalities and the historical traditions of friendship between the peoples with Syria, will always continue the effective cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.

The President of the National Assembly expressed conviction that the Ambassador with its activity would promote the further strengthening and deepening of the Armenian-Syrian friendship relations in the political, trade-economic and other spheres. The Head of the legislative body expressed readiness to support the Ambassador’s initiatives for the benefit of the development and deepening of cooperation.

Ara Babloyan also highlighted the development of the inter-parliamentary cooperation and the activation of the parliamentarians’ contacts and mutual visits.

The Head of the parliament expressed gratitude the People’s Assembly of Syria for the works done and events in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Speaking about the inner-political situation of the two countries, the President of the National Assembly expressed hope that soon inner-political stability and public solidarity would be established in Syria.

Ara Babloyan has noted that Armenia is ready to take part in the restoration works of friendly Syria.

Expressing his gratitude for the warm reception Mohammed Haj Ibrahim assured that he would should his best to develop Syria-Armenia relations in all spheres.

Highly assessing the effective cooperation between the two countries the Ambassador has noted that there is still non-used potential in the economic sphere.

In the development of Syria-Armenia relations Mohammed Haj Ibrahim has emphasized the role of the Syrian Armenian community which is the inseparable part of Syria’s society and has great contribution to the development of the country.

Touching upon the relations coming from the depth of the centuries between Syria and Armenia and their historical commonalities, the Ambassador said: “What the people of Syria saw during these years, is like what the Armenians saw in the Western Armenia.”

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