Ara Babloyan Receives Prime Minister of Georgia
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On September 10, the President of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan received the delegation led by the Prime Minister of Georgia Mamuka Bakhtadze being in Armenia on an official visit. The RA NA Vice President, the Head of Armenia-Georgia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov, the deputy of the NA RPA Faction Tatshat Vardapetyan, the deputy of the NA Yelq/Way Out Faction Edmon Marukyan, the deputy of the NA ARF Faction Spartak Seyranyan, the RA Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and the Ambassador of Armenia to Georgia Ruben Sadoyan attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guests, Ara Babloyan expressed conviction that the visit would give new impetus to the Armenian-Georgian friendly relations and promote their further deepening and strengthening.

During his talk with Mamuka Bakhtadze the President of the National Assembly highlighted the close contacts between the parliamentarians and the activation of cooperation. In this context the Head of the legislative body also considered necessary the inter-parliamentary cooperation on the international platforms.

Thanking for the reception, the Prime Minister of Georgia Mamuka Bakhtadze has noted that such high level meetings more warm up the relations between the two countries and peoples.

Positively assessing the role of the parliamentary diplomacy, Mamuka Bakhtadze also considered necessary the active cooperation and mutual visits between the legislative bodies of the two countries.

Speaking about the Georgian-Armenian relations, the Prime Minister has noted that the friendship of the two countries has a centuries-old history, and Georgia is always ready to further develop them with Armenia in all spheres. In parallel with high level of bilateral political relations he deemed necessary the deepening of the mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic sphere.

Welcoming the idea, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan also emphasized the further activation of cooperation in the spheres of science, education, culture and health care and the implementation of the joint programmes.

During the meeting both sides touched upon the regional problems and discussed other issues of bilateral interest.

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