Ara Babloyan Receives Secretary General of Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Cooperation
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On November 26, the President of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan received the Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) Asaf Hajiyev. The Head of the RA NA Delegation to PABSEC Gagik Minasyan attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guest, Ara Babloyan highlighted the holding of the PABSEC 52nd Plenary Session works in Yerevan.

According to the Head of the parliament, the organization is a special platform of multilateral economic cooperation which can promote the deepening and strengthening of regional ties.

Expressing his gratitude for the reception Asaf Hajiyev expressed conviction that the meetings would be held in the atmosphere of concerned debates and mutual consent.

The interlocutors discussed procedural items concerning the session works, touched upon the existing in the Black Sea Region and presented their viewpoints on some problems.

PABSEC Regular Session Begins
On November 26, in Paryur Sevak Conference Hall of Yerevan Hrazdan Hotel the 52nd Plenary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) began its work. The 59th Meeting of the Bureau moderated by the RA NA President Ara Babloyan was held, during which organisationa...