Secretaries General of Parliamentary Administrations of the Eastern Partnership Countries Pay Tribute in Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex
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On December 7, the Secretaries General of Parliamentary Administrations of the Eastern Partnership Countries accompanied by the RA NA Chief of Staff-Secretary General Ara Saghatelyan visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.

The guests laid flowers at the eternal fire perpetuating the memory of the 1915 Armenian Genocide victims, honoured the memory of Holy Martyrs in silence.

The Secretaries General had been to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, got acquainted with the documents proving the Armenian Genocide, observed the exhibits and left a note in the Memory Book.

The Secretary General of the Parliament of Ukraine Petro Bodnar noted: “I am extremely shocked. We should remember well our history and we should do our best in order such tragedies will never be repeated in the future.”

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