RA NA President Ara Babloyan Congratulates Staff of Parliament
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On December 28, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan, congratulating the employees of the RA NA Staff on the occasion of the New Year and Holy Nativity at the New Year festive reception in the Gilded Hall, wished them health, welfare, family happiness and working new successes. The RA NA President thanked the Staff for joint conscientious and professional work.

“The ending year of 2018 distinguished for us with structural reforms of the Staff of the National Assembly. They let us to raise greatly the role of our Staff, i.e. your role in the provision of substantial continuity of the higher legislative and political body works, as well as let us reveal and develop our employees’ professional high capabilities.

I am hopeful that the leadership of the parliament will continue the work style of immediately, directly working with the departments and divisions of the Staff, because the politicians, the MPs, the advisers and assistants get changed through the years, but the Staff of the National Assembly bears and preserves the institutional memory of cooperation with state different structures, the strengthening of inter-parliamentary ties, parliamentary diplomacy and generally, the organization of the parliamentary works and conveys it to the MPs.

Let the coming year, 2019 become a year of professional skills and enriching of knowledge, the development of capabilities for the NA Staff and the full manifestation in the Staff,” Ara Babloyan said.

The RA NA Chief of Staff, Secretary General Ara Saghatelyan also congratulated the attendees. He thanked the employees for cooperation and noted that passing effective and important path with the NA Staff, considerable improvements had been made.

Touching upon the first sitting of the newly elected National Assembly to be convened in the future, Ara Saghatelyan, addressing the employees of the NA Staff, particularly said: “You should do your best, use your professional potential and knowledge in order the persons, who have the people’s mandate, can fully fulfill their duties in the legislative body, I am sure that you can do that. I express my gratitude to you for the joint work, wish you health and welfare.”

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