Parliament Elects Chairs of RA NA Standing Committees
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On January 18, the RA National Assembly continued the debates on the candidacies of the Chairs of the RA NA Standing Committees.

In his final speech the candidate for the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan touched upon his colleagues’ assessments and gave clarifications.

The Secretary of the RA NA Bright Armenia faction Gevorg Gorgisyan proposed Mane Tandilyan’s candidacy for the election in the position of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs. Presenting Mane Tandilyan’s biography Gevorg Gorgisyan has talked about his professional high professionalism, noting that the candidate will successfully head this most important Committee.

In her speech Mane Tandilyan has noted what programmes she will have in the Office of the Committee Chair in case of being elected.

Mane Tandilyan also designs to raise the cooperation of the National Assembly with the Audit Chamber and the Central Bank to a new qualitative level, make a tradition the debates with different structures and concerned bodies. The Committee Chair’s candidate has also emphasized the holding of the parliamentary hearings, which, according to her, is an opportunity to hear the viewpoints and opinions of the public on different items.

Naira Zohrabyan and Sofya Hovsepyan appraised the candidate and urged their colleagues to vote for her.

Afterwards the elections of the Chairs of the NA 11 Standing Committees were held. The Chair of the NA Accounting Committee Vahagn Hovakimyan informed that as a result of secret ballot all candidates proposed in the posts of the Chairs of Standing Committees were elected.

On behalf of the parliament the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan congratulated the newly elected Chairs of the Committees and wished them effective and fruitful work.

The NA Speaker has noted that the NA Council has been formed, which consists of the NA Speaker, Deputy Speakers, the Chairs of the Standing Committees and one representative from each faction (the Head of My Step Faction Lilit Makunts, the Head of Bright Armenia Edmon Marukyan and the Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia Faction Arman Abovyan).

The Head of the Parliament has informed that there will be an additional announcement on the debates of the draft law on the amendment of the Government structure and approving the Government programme.

The National Assembly ended the work of the sittings of the first session of the seventh convocation.

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