Discussion at RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs
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On February 22, a working discussion took place in the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs.

Naira Zohrabyan highlighted the close cooperation of the Committee led by her with the Human Rights Defender, as well as the Ministry of Justice, noting that in the near future a working map programme with the Ministry would be formed. According to her, the Committee and the Ministry shall effectively cooperate. Artak Zeynalyan presented the policy of reforms and the existing problems.

In the Q & A format the deputies and the Minister touched upon the circumstances of the journalist Mher Yeghiazaryan’s death, the rights of the persons who announced hunger strike, the compulsory feeding in case of hunger strike, the optimization of the criminal-executive institutions, the development of the probation service, the provision of employment of the persons being in the criminal-executive institutions, the possibility of revealing the former judicial cases and a number of other problems of the sphere.

The Committee Chair informed that the MP Taguhi Tovmasyan proposed to invite the RA Prosecutor General to one of the upcoming sittings of the Committee. The Committee members considered the proposal admissible. Naira Zohrabyan noted that similar meetings would be of regular character.

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