Bright Armenia Faction Hosts Representatives of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus
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On February 22, the regular working meeting between the Head of the NA Bright Armenia Faction Edmon Marukyan and the Head of the Office Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus Peter-Andreas Bochmann was held. The sides exchanged thoughts on the perspectives of the bilateral cooperation development, as well as voiced viewpoints on the inner-political developments of post-revolutionary Armenia.

Peter-Andreas Bochmann congratulated Bright Armenia party on joining the Party Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). According to his observation, it will give an opportunity to the party strengthening its own potential in the inner and external political field.

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation the sides highlighted the steps taken for boosting the civil education of the youth. From this viewpoint Peter-Andreas Bochmann on behalf of the office Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus expressed readiness in showing support to the Liberal Political School of Bright Armenia Party, approving the pre-indicated road map. The interlocutors also discussed the issue of the necessity of the implementation of the programmes of the educational exchange of experience, which would be directed to laying the parliamentary activity to a new qualitative plane.

Touching upon the inner-political developments the sides stressed the need of the formation of the cooperation culture between the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary forces, which would serve as a basis for the formation of the all-national agenda.