Issues on Development of Communities Discussed in RA NA Standing Committee
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On February 26, the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment invited for discussion those working with the local self-government bodies, representatives of a number of local and international NGOs and experts being engaged with the development issues, get acquainted with their works, the directions of the activity, as well as listen to their recommendations and concerns.

The Committee Chair Varazdat Karapetyan has highlighted the cooperation with the invited organizations and experts, noting that their proposals can especially be important while working them out, taking into consideration the awareness of the community problems.

The guests talked about the directions of their activity, presented recommendations, and the goal, as they had noted were the further development of the communities and the improvement of the population’s life. The recommendations related to the enlargement of the communities, the land administration resources, the construction of the pre-school institutions, the strengthening of the Elders’ Institute, the women’s participation in the community government, the rendering of the social services in the communities, the opportunity of the mechanism investment, etc. It was proposed to revise some laws regulating the sphere, to observe more thoroughly and multilaterally the community enlargement process.

Summing up the discussion the Committee Chair Varazdat Karapetyan informed that in the future thematic debates would be and if necessary working groups would be formed.

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