CIS IPA 25th Plenary Session in St. Petersburg

On April 14, after summing up the sittings of the Standing Committees in Tavrichesky palace of St. Petersburg the activities of the CIS IPA 25th plenary session started, where the parliamentary delegation headed by RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan participated. Before the plenary session started the sitting of CIS IPA Council was held, having on agenda 16 issues, including the program of the arrangements dedicated to the 100th anniversary of State Duma, proposals on improving and reforming the CIS structures, holding the 9th economic forum in Petersburg, etc.

Opening CIS IPA 25th plenary session, CIS IPA Chairman Sergey Mironov noted that it’s jubilee and is dedicated to the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition during the WW II.  Then during the works of the plenary session, Boris Gryzlov, Chairman of RF State Duma, Stef Goris, President of the Western European Union, Rannveig Gudmundsdottir, President of the Nordic Council made a welcoming speech. The members of national delegations gave speeches. Gagik Minasyan, Chairman of CIS IPA Standing Committee on Economy and Finances, Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Finance-Crediting, Budget and Economic Affairs made a speech on model legislative provisions of the protection of the investors’ interests in the securities market in CIS member states.

The members of the session made a decision on the contribution of the peoples of CIS member states in great victory and in preserving peace under modern conditions. The MPs debated and adopted the model law “On Leasing,” the decision on rapprochement of model legislation and national laws in 2005-2010. Delegation members of Armenia, Gagik Minasyan and Hermine Naghdalyan were awarded with CIS IPA diplomas and medals for strengthening the friendship between the peoples. Suren Sargsyan, USSR hero and Galina Aghakhanyan, war veteran were awarded with medals.

At the press conference summing up the activities of the CIS PIA 25th plenary session, RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan was asked a question: “How does he treat the official Ankara’s proposal to study the 1915 tragic events?” To which NA President answered: “The authorities of Armenia repeatedly announced that they were speaking in favour of normalizing the relations with Turkey and other neighbours of the region. We are for normal partnership relations. What refers to 1915 Genocide, the discussions have been finished long ago. This year is the 90th anniversary of Genocide and I don’t think there is a need of additional discussions. I think that all of us shall condemn that crime directed to humankind. Many parliaments of the world have already condemned the Armenian Genocide, and we think that Turkey should recognize the Armenian Genocide, and it should not be an obstacle for the development of the Armenian-Turkish relations. You know quite well that Armenia is under blockade by Turkey. The country that strives for European integration, should not apply to double standards. We should gradually reach the establishment of normal partnership relations. In Strasbourg, first time, I met the Parliament President of Turkey and we had a very interesting conversation, we’re for the joint discussion of our painful problems and finding solution acceptable for both sides.”