Seminar on Budgetary Process in National Assembly
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On March 12, the RA NA deputies took part in the seminar on the themes Programme Budgeting and Its Contribution in the RA and the RA Budgetary Process organized on the initiative of the RA NA Budget Office.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Mane Tandilyan has noted that the activity of the NA Budget Office is aimed at assisting the oversight functions of the parliament. According to the Chair of the Standing Committee, the Budget Office is an independent structure and a reliable partner.

The Coordinator-Expert of the NA Budget Office Gagik Barseghyan has noted that the first phase of the programme budgeting investment in our country began in 2003, and 10-15 years is necessary for the complete investment. According to the speaker, the efficiency of the investment increases, when the strategic planning, internal audit and independent external oversight systems.

“The main goal of the programme budgeting is the rise of the public financial management efficiency,” Gagik Barseghyan noted, underlining that every institution should be responsible for the programme being implemented in the given sphere.

The participants’ various questions related to the complete investment of the programme budgeting, its importance, the strategic planning and the implementation of the independent external oversight

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