Experts’ Potential of University of Economics to Be Used in Legislative Work: Memorandum Signed
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On April 2, the regular sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration was held, where three items were included.

Before turning to the agenda items, by the proposal of the Committee Chair Mikayel Melkumyan the attendees honoured the memory of the April four-day war victims in one-minute silence.

The deputies discussed the draft law on Economic and Trade Cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and Its Member States on one Hand and China on the Other Hand, which was signed on 17 May 2018 in Astana.

The Agreement includes such mechanisms of cooperation in different directions of state regulation, and as a result of its use the EEU common and every member state's certain interests, the transparency and predictability at national and above national levels would be taken into consideration. As the RA Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments Albert Babayan has noted, the Agreement is of non privileged character and does not design decrease of customs duties. According to the RA Deputy Minister, it is of much more political cooperation character, than economic, but in the future it can become a basis for the document on the implementation of the free trade implementation between the two countries. As the Deputy Minister has stated, the ratification of the Agreement will allowing deepening and expanding the ties between Armenia and China.

The RA Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vakhtang Abrahamyan presented to the Committee the report of the RA Central Bank on the formation of the EEU united financial market. As the speaker has informed, in this sphere the cooperation effectively goes on, and the continuous discussions are held in the sub-groups created by the central banks of the member countries. According to him, the representatives of the bank sphere registered achievements particularly in the branches cyber security, payment cards, exchange of financial messages and the development financial technologies.

The MPs were interested in the opportunity of the investment united financial currency on the EEU territory, on which Vakhtang Abrahamyan has said that there is no such item on the agenda today, it will be probably discussed after 2025, if it is topical. Now, the item of the exchange of credit information between the EEU member states is debated. According to his assessment, the citizens of the EEU member states have not problems in getting any financial service.

The next agenda item was signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the RA NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration and the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE). Signing the document, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration Mikayel Melkumyan and the Acting President of the ASUE Ruben Hayrapetyan highlighted the use of the specialist experts’ potential of the University of Economics and considered necessary the active participation of the University in the implementation of the economic policy of the country.

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