Marek Benda: One Should Never Forget the Armenian Genocide Victims
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On April 30, the delegation led by Marek Benda, the Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and the Head of the Czech Republic-Armenia Friendship Group visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex accompanied by the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Czech Republic Friendship Group Gayane Abrahamyan.

The Czech MPs laid a wreath at the memorial of the 1915 Armenian Genocide victims. They put flowers at the eternal fire immortalizing the memory of the Genocide victims and honoured in silence the memory of Holy Martyrs.

At the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute the guests got acquainted with the documents proving the first disaster of the 20th century and observed the exhibits. Marek Benda wrote in the Book of Honmourable Guests: “The evil of humanity against humanity. One should never forget the Armenian Genocide victims.”

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