Students of John Kennedy School of Government of Harvard Kennedy School in National Assembly
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On May 17, the students of Kennedy School of Government of Harvard Kennedy School visited the National Assembly, and the deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Hamazasp Danielyan met with them. The goal of the visit is to get acquainted with the ongoing reforms in our country, the developments and get answers to questions on some political agenda priorities.

The MP presented to the students the situation created in Armenia after the power shift, touched upon the challenges of democracy development, the involvement of the civil society in the reform process, the anti-corruption strategy, the economic development potential of Armenia and the items on the RA-EU cooperation. The speaker described the structure of the parliament, presented the activity of the Standing Committees and the procedure of the legislative initiatives’ discussion.

At the students’ request Hamazasp Danielyan referred to the relations of Armenia with Russia and neighbouring states, the Artsakh conflict problem, answered to the questions on protection of human rights and legislative works.

The organizer of the visit Harout Manougian Armenian by his origin residing in Toronto, who will graduate from the University this year, is sure that the graduates of the School Government, who have visited Armenia will present a number of strategic issues regarding our country for the benefit of Armenia in their countries.

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