Alen Simonyan Hosts Ukrainian Journalists, Bloggers and Representatives of Civil Society
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On May 27, the RA NA Vice President Alen Simonyan received the journalists, bloggers and representatives of public-political organizations who had arrived from different countries of Ukraine.

The meeting-discussion went on in the atmosphere of dialogue and dispute. The guests were interested in the success of the Velvet revolution happened in our country, post-revolutionary programmes, the agenda of reforms, the further deepening of democratic processes, the activity of the Armenian Diaspora in Ukraine, as well as the external and internal political processes.

The NA Vice President presented his activities of the last 10 years, the path passed before being engaged in politics, touched upon the policy adopted by the Civil Contract Party and the priorities of the policy pursued by the authorities of the country.

Touching upon the palette of the reforms being made in our country, Alen Simonyan particularly underlined the ruthless fight against corruption, the elimination of monopolies, the growth of the citizens’ trust in the investment policy, the salary increase, etc. Among these series he also noted the successes in the international arena. In the issue of the legislative reforms the amendments being designed in the Electoral and Tax Codes were discussed. To the NA Vice President’s conviction, the RA authorities have resoluteness in calling into life the reforms. Noting that the legislative and executive authorities present the people’s will, the speaker has reflected upon the problems of the judicial system, talked about the works being done in application of transitional justice toolset, stating that the authorities with those steps try to rejuvenate the judicial system.

“We shall believe in the people’s strength. If it is cleared out that we were wrong then in the next elections the people will not elect us,” Alen Simonyan documented.

Speaking about the methods of the fight against disinformation, the NA Vice President has expressed conviction that they fight against that phenomenon exclusively with the citizens through open dialogue, free contacts and debates. He has reminded that the mass media in our country are independent, and its vivid evidence is the majority of opposition media in the information field.

The guests were also interested in the further development of the Armenian-Ukrainian relations. Regarding this the NA Vice President recorded that the expansion of bilateral relations on the legislator’s agenda.

Alen Simonyan also reflected upon the NK conflict, expressing conviction that the problem should be regulated exclusively through negotiations. To the NA Vice president’s conviction, the Armenian side never campaigns hatred towards Azerbaijan, meanwhile we cannot say the same about the neighbouring state.

Detailing the young politicians’ resolution of having success, Alen Simonyan urged: “Convince the people that they are considered the most important part of your activity and serve as the best example.”

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