Launch of Rafayil Zinurov’s Book in Parliament
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On June 7, in the RA National Assembly the launch of the book RF state, public figure, writer, legist, sculptor Essays on New and Newest History of Armenia in Russian Historiography, where deputies, historians, Experts on Armenian Studies, scientists and journalists were present.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Mkhitar Hayrapetyan highly assessed the author’s work done and the historiographical special value of the book. He thanked the Armenian friend’s great friend.

The Armenian public, political figure, the Co-Chairman of the Dialogue Organization Yuri Navoyan informed that the work was published in Ufa. Rafayil Zinurov, Bashkir by his origin analyzed the international aspects of the Armenian historiography, the Turkish and the Azerbaijani “fake” historiographers’ studies. According to the speaker, the author anticipated the political modern statements, slogans with lasting, deep studies, and the Armenian-Russian parliamentary inter-state, inter-cultural cooperation is also built on that basis.

The RA NA deputy Vagharshak Hakobyan, the Director of the RA NA Institute of History, Professor Ashot Melkonyan, and the Doctor of Historical Sciences Haykaz Hovhannisyan expressed his appraisal on Zinurov’s works. They have evaluated the foreign historian’s specific analysis, with which an answer is given to the existing works of anti-Armenian studies.

According to Rafayil Zinurov, the Armenian people have a greatest place and role in the world civilization. The Armenians’ history and destiny directed him to touch upon the History of Armenia. The Armenians’ unbreakable spirit admires him. In his mind the author outlines the next work, which will be dedicated to the historicism of the First Republic of Armenia. He gave to the parliament as a present one of his sculptures – the bust of Avetik Sahakyan, the First Speaker of the Parliament of the First Republic of Armenia.

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