Results of Visit to Ulan Bator Summed Up
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On June 20, the members of the RA NA Armenia-Mongolia Friendship Group Lilit Stepanyan, Aleksey Sandikov, Rubik Stepanyan headed by Mikayel Melkumyan summed up the results of their visit to Ulan Bator.

As Mikayel Melkumyan has informed, the Armenian parliamentarians being in Ulan Bator on an official visit for the first time on June 13-14, met with the Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Mongolia, the President of the Parliament, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Head and the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group.

During the meetings the colleagues highlighted the mutual support on the international platforms, the development of the friendly relations and the expansion of the ties in the spheres of economy, culture, education and other spheres.

According to the parliamentarians, Armenia and Mongolia are on the list of 44 landlocked countries in the world. In this context a number of issues of possible perspective cooperation within the framework of Mongolia-EEU-Armenia were discussed.

The members of the Friendship Group highlighted the expansion of trade-economic ties, documenting that there is still unused great potential to deepen the Armenian-Mongolian cooperation. They especially distinguished the perspective spheres of the light industry and mining industry.

Lilit Stepanyan has noted that her colleagues are interested in the educational system of Armenia and have made rather serious studies on the higher educational institutions. They have particularly distinguished Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan and Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University, underlining the high educational quality of the higher educational institutions. Mongolia is also interested in the experience of chess teaching in the general educational schools in Armenia.

At the end of September the official visit of the Friendship Group of the Parliament of Mongolia to Armenia is designed.

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