Issues Concerning Working Cooperation Discussed
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On June 28, the experts of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs and the assistants to the Committee deputies met with the representatives of the Staff of the RA Human Rights Defender. The goal was to develop the cooperation existing between the structures.

The coordinator-expert of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights Davit Vorskanyan, highlighting the necessity of the meetings in such format, has noted that one of the joint working programmes being implemented by the Committee Chair Naira Zohrabyan and the RA Human Rights Arman Tatoyan.

Davit Vorskanyan touched upon the guidelines of the joint activity, especially distinguishing the operative works, the decent organization, the elaboration and the debate of the legal acts’ draft laws and the provision of the conclusions on the draft laws.

The representative of the RA Human Rights Defender in the National Assembly Sergey Ghazinyan highlighted the necessity of providing joint working activity on the legislative initiatives concerning the protection of human rights.

The Head of Department for Prevention Torture and Ill-Treatment of the Human Rights Defender, the Coordinator for Prevention of the National Mechanism Implementation Gohar Simonyan presented the main directions for the prevention of the national mechanism functions. The representative of the Human Rights Defender to the CC Nina Pirumyan referred to the legislation of the Human Rights Defender and the main directions of the functions concerning the improvement of the legal acts.

Considering effective the discussion, the participants of the meeting noted that it would be continuous.

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