Vahe Enfiajyan: Summer Call-up for Military Service Goes on at Decent Level
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On July 12, the RA NA Deputy Speaker visited the Yerevan N 2 Military Commissariat of the RA Ministry of Defense. The goal was to get acquainted with the summer call-up for military service that everything was organized according to the letter of law at decent level. The officers of the functioning Call-up Committee talked with all conscripts, informed them about their rights, as well as the order of addressing the commanders with the questions concerning them.

The young boys passed through medical rooms. They were all healthy, and they were ready to fulfill their duty before their Motherland. Vahe Enfiajyan highlighted the fact that there was no absent conscript.

“Every Armenian son should serve in the Armenian Army. The conscripts leave for serving in the Army to defend the Motherland with great responsibility,” the NA Deputy Speaker said, adding that the call-up for military service whole phase: call-up for military service-army-positions will be at the centre of attention. As Vahe Enfiajyan has assured that the contacts with the conscripts and the visits to the military commissariats and military units will be continuous.

He intimately talked with the boys being called up for military service and their parents, wished them good service with troubles.