Working Visit of NA President Ararat Mirzoyan to the U.S. Begins
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On July 15, the President of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan being on a working visit in the United States delivered a speech in the Atlantic Council Center on the changes occurred in Armenia after the Velvet revolution and the perspectives of the development. After his speech a concerned discussion was held with the representatives of the U.S. state and expertise circles on the items of Armenia’s foreign policy, the reforms of the judicial system being expected in Armenia, the Armenian-American bilateral agenda development and other items.

During the day the Speaker of the National Assembly discussed the issue of providing support to the civil society and media with the Governing Board of the Organization National Endowment for Democracy.

Ararat Mirzoyan received the Vice President for Programs at the International Republican Institute Scott Mastic in the Embassy of Armenia to the U.S. The parties discussed the agenda of the joint programs directed to the development of the National Assembly capabilities.

At the end of the day the delegation led by Ararat Mirzoyan met with the representatives of the Armenian community in Washington and exchanged thoughts over the last developments going on in Armenia and the works of the parliament.

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