Budgetary Programmes of Agriculture Sphere for 2020 Debated
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At August 28 sitting moderated by Varazdat Karapetyan, the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment debated the allocations and the budgetary programmes of the agriculture sphere by the draft law on the RA State Budget for 2020.

The Deputy Minister of Economy Artak Kamalyan informed that next year seven programmes would be implemented. The World Bank and other international organizations would support to implement a number of programmes.

Varazdat Karapetyan considered important the loan by the support programme to the rural entities which, according to him, would promote the solution of a series of problems and the development of the sphere. Touching upon the draft state budget for 2020 the Committee Chair noted that the budgetary programmes should be distinct and complete. Those responsible for the sphere accepted the MP’s some proposals.

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