Financial Allocations and Budgetary Programmes of Urban Development, Territorial Administration, Sub-Structures and Energy Spheres for 2020 Debated
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At September 2 working sitting moderated by Babken Tunyan, the preliminary debates of the draft law on the RA State Budget for 2020 continued in the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.

According to the Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Vahagn Vermishyan, in 2020 in Aragatsotn, Shirak and Gegharkunik marzes 5 apartment buildings will be designed to be constructed.

The MPs presented recommendations and voiced questions, which related to the upgrading of Yerevan main plan, seismic security, the restoration of the disaster area and the control of the construction quality.

The Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Hakob Vardanyan informed that the capital repairing would give an opportunity to extend the operation term of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant. 187 small HPPs function in the republic and at present the construction of 32 HPPs are under construction. In 2020 solar power plants will be built and a number of programmes will be implemented.

The official from the water sphere noted that a series of programmes would be called into life.

During the debate the MPs recorded the incompleteness of some programmes’ efficiency indices and proposed to rectify them with the specialists' support.

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