OSCE Programme Strengthening of Police-Public Partnership in the RA Presented
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On September 13, the member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan met with the Community Police Adviser on Threat Department/Strategic Police Matters Unit Mona Nordberg.

Welcoming the guest in the National Assembly Armen Khachatryan highlighted the cooperation with the international structures and the reforms being designed in the police system with their support and the implementation of the programmes in the sphere.

Mona Nordberg presented the programme Strengthening of Police-Public Partnership in the RA and the events envisaged by that. The development of the skills in the police-public relations was considered important, and for that purpose some lecturers of the Police Educational Complex would be trained.

To develop the police-Mass media mutual understanding a round-table would be organized on covering the domestic violence, “The publications on these cases should be be purposeful,” Mona Nordberg noted. According to her, a questionnaire is designed to make and find out if the trust of the public towards police has been raised after the velvet revolution.

Speaking about the structural reforms in the police system Armen Khachatryan has informed that the parliament has already passed in the first reading the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda on Provision of Road Traffic Security and the enclosed package of draft laws, on that basis is the experience of the European countries. The MP emphasized the investment of the garrison police system which will give an opportunity to quickly respond to all law violations. “While implementing the functions the police should be visible among the public with its positive character,” Armen Khachatryan said. According to him, the policy of the human resources’ choice would also be changed: not only the professionalism, but also the moral-psychological features would be highlighted.

At the meeting other numerous matters concerning the sphere were discussed.

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