Ararat Mirzoyan Takes Part in Solemn Session of YSU Academic Council
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On September 26, within the framework of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Yerevan State University (YSU) foundation the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan took part in the Solemn Session of the Alma Mater Academic Council. The Head of the Parliament delivered a speech.

“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished lecturers, dear students, I cordially congratulate all of us on the occasion of this very significant anniversary. I will not reveal a secret, if I say that, first of all, the history of the humanity development is the history of education and educational systems, because the education is the most important prerequisite, the most important precondition of any advancement, progress and development. And our forefathers wonderfully realized this already hundreds of years ago and millennia ago. And its best evidence was that in the hardest conditions of war, in the conditions of the economic, geo-political hard situation, even in the conditions of statehood absence universities were founded in numerous places of Armenia, adjacent to monastery complexes, which were becoming the torch bearers of advancement and progress for their time, were becoming the torch bearers of human, scientific, public, political thought advancement. And it was like that in 1915. In the years of the First Republic existence and in the most complicated geo-political conditions, in the conditions of war, in the conditions of hunger, epidemics and the necessity of taking care of emigration, the Council of Ministers made a decision to found a State University in 1919. And that, to me, was one of the most turning points and the most important pages of the history of the First Republic. And during these hundred years the University has been not only the scientific-educational centre, but I also confidently can claim that it has been the forge of political thought and the most important centre. The very University graduates, I think, perhaps will agree with me that the very University graduates have been the core of our society intelligentsia during these decades. And here the work and the efforts of all the professors and lecturers outside these walls is considered invaluable during the decades. And at this moment I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the lecturers, who implemented their educational, great and honourable mission of upbringing the generations during these hundred years.

At the same time the Alma Mater will not be an Alma Mater without its students, who have studied during these years at Yerevan State University. And saying study, of course, first of all, I mean the scientific-educational process, but I also mean the other side of this process: a process which has given an opportunity to become a citizen to all of us, and personally me.

The students, certainly traditionally are considered to be the layer bringing the most sincere, the most practical and greatest changes.

Usually speaking about the higher educational institutions, the specialists have always made a matter of discussion the issue of the academic freedoms, but in my opinion, the students' freedoms are also not less important.

To think and to act: this is the most important lesson that YSU has given to its generations. And similar examples are numerous in the pages of our history: during the Soviet period beginning from the dissident groups to the Karabakh movement, from the Artsakh war to the Velvet revolution, where the students had the most important and significant participation.

And today, when a new page of our history is being written, a new Centenary chapter is launched, and the Alma Mater indeed has a big and leading role in calling into life our national best desires.

Once again I congratulate your anniversary, Yerevan State University, I congratulate the anniversary of Alma Mater, dear University graduates and employees," the NA President said.

Ararat Mirzoyan awarded the merited scientists with Mesrop Mashtots Order, Anania Shirakatsi and Movses Khorenatsi Medals.

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