President of RA National Assembly Receives the Member of the U.S. House of Representatives Frank Pallone
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On October 3, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Frank Pallone.

Welcoming the Congressman Ararat Mirzoyan thanked him for accepting his invitation to again visit Armenia and Artsakh. The NA President has noted that Armenia relates to the efforts being made by Frank Pallone in the United States for keeping fair position with great gratitude, underlining that during these years the Congressman’s efforts are invaluable in terms of strengthening the pro-Armenian positions. The NA President has assured that the new authorities of Armenia are faithful to the negotiation process of Nagorno Karabakh in the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and he does not see any alternative for the peaceful negotiations. He has considered important that after the Velvet revolution happened in Armenia the ongoing democratic changes are supported in the United States, and the discussion on the financial assistance to Armenia are observed in this context in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Frank Pallone expressed his gratitude to the RA NA President for the invitation and touched upon the discussions held during these days, which allowed him making a complete opinion about the priorities existing on the Armenian-American agenda.

The parties exchanged ideas on the ongoing reforms of different spheres in Armenia and the steps aimed at calling them into life by the United States.

Tribute to Memory of Armenian Genocide Victims
On July 8, the delegation of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands, accompanied by the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Maria Karapetyan and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Netherlands...