Exhibition of Painter Vladimir Simonyan’s Works Opened
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On October 22, in the foyer next to the RA National Assembly Session Hall the exhibition of the painter Vladimir Simonyan’s works, where the deputies, artists, representatives of the NA Staff and journalists attended.

Vladimir Simonyan is a member of the RA Painters’ Union and the UNESCO International Association of Art and participant of numerous republican and international exhibitions.

In his speech the RA NA deputy Artur Manukyan reminded Plato’s words, who had said that we should send away the artists and poets from the perfect state. According to the MP, as we still don’t have a perfect state, so we should accept the artists and poets in our state.

The member of the RA Painters’ Union Suren Safaryan has noted that Vladimir Simonyan loves his Motherland and the native nature, and the presented canvases serve as a proof.

The painter thanked the NA President Ararat Mirzoyan and the Chief of the parliament for organizing the exhibition of his works in the legislative body. He noted that visiting different countries he always presented Armenia and its colourful nature. Most of the works presented in the exhibition are landscapes, which according to the author, had been created outside the studio, in the open air.

Vladimir Simonyan presented the exhibition to the 28th anniversary of the declaration of Armenia’s independence.

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