Issues on Freedom of Religion, Conscience and Religious Organizations Discussed
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On October 28, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Naira Zohrabyan met with the experts and young scientists of different countries of the European Union’s Copernicus Programme.

Issues on freedom of religion, conscience and religious organizations in Armenia were discussed.

Naira Zohrabyan has presented the situation related to the freedom of religion, conscience and religious organizations, noting that today about 60 religious organizations were registered in our country. According to the Committee Chair, there is tolerant attitude in Armenia towatds all religious organizations, which are registered by law.

Naira Zohrabyan also talked about the new law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations which is under debate in the RA Government.

The Committee Chair noted that historically as a result of not having statehood for 600 years the Armenian Church had played the most important key role for the Armenian identity preservation.

As Naira Zohrabyan has informed, the rights of the religious organizations, that don’t want to have compulsory military service, are respected in Armenia, particularly the Jehovah’s witnesses. “In our country the law on Alternative Service is in force, and it gives them an opportunity to pass to alternative service,” the Committee Chair noted.

During the meeting Naira Zohrabyan answered to the guests’ questions, which related to freedom of religion, conscience in Armenia, other religions and tolerance in our country.

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