Reforms in Armenia Highlighted

On June 1, Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA Speaker, Received Norm Coleman, US Senator.
At his request NA Speaker informed him about the democratic and legislative amendments in Armenia, practical fighting against corruption, about the position of Armenia in regional issues and about the relations with the neighbours. NA Speaker noted that for the success of those processes the support of US is important and thanked him for the moral and financial aid of 1.5bn. USD provided during the years of independence.

Mr. Coleman expressed readiness to support the inter-parliamentary ties with US Senate and the establishment of real democracy in Armenia highlighting the amendments during that period and the courage and consistence to implement those amendments. The senator mentioned the important role of Armenian Diaspora for making audible the voice of Armenians for the US authorities. In his opinion Armenia should actively be included in all the regional developments. Implementing successfully its amendments Armenia will inspire hope and trust to the world community in the result strengthening its political and economic positions. As to the senator during those processes the role of the parliament is very important as an institution making legislative bases for amendments.

Cooperation Issues Within the Framework of CIS IPA Discussed
On June 1 Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA Speaker, received Mikhail Krotov, Secretary of CIS IPA. Felix Ghushchyan, representative of RA NA CIS IPA took part at the meeting.Mr. Krotov presented the works done after the plenary session of CIS IPA to NA Speaker, an agreement was achieved on the participatio...

Newly Appointed Ambassador of Spain in National Assembly
On June 1 RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan received Francisco Javier Elorsa Cavengt, the newly appointed Ambassador of Spain in Armenia.Mr. Cavengt informed NA Speaker that with the aim of deepening Spanish-Armenian relations in Armenia honour consul of Spain will be appointed in Armenia and represe...