At Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security

At November 11 sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security touched upon the legislative initiative authored by the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction, which proposed to make addenda and amendments to the law on Compensation of the Damages Caused to Life and Health of the Servicemen during the Defense of the Republic of Armenia.

The key speaker Mane Tandilyan gave secret information, and because of this that part had been behind closed doors.

Afterwards the speaker, the RA NA My Step Faction deputy Armen Khachatryan noted that new facts had been presented during the discussion behind closed doors.

The Committee envisages to jointly holding working debate with the government.

The voting of the item was postponed up two months.

The Committee endorsed the part relating to expenditure articles containing state and office secret of the draft state budget of the next year.

Ways of notifying citizens increased
Within the framework of organizing and holding of conscription for compulsory military service, exercise gatherings and military exercises the ways of perfect notifications being given for appearing at their military registration office, as well as the framework of approving the documents and facts ...