Meetings Aimed at Modernization of Educational Sphere: Mkhitar Hayrapetyan Sums Up Working Visit to Sweden
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On December 4-5, the Chair of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and the Deputy Chair Hovhannes Hovhannisyan were in the Kingdom of Sweden on a working visit.

The MPs visited Riksdag, where they met with the Head of the Committee on Education Gunilla Svantorp. The Swedish side presented their achievements in the sphere of education. Issues regarding the cooperation in the sphere of education were discussed.

Mkhitar Hayrapetyan and Hovhannes Hovhannisyan have also been in the famous Swedish Fryshuset youth organization  which encourages the development of young people and giving them new educational opportunities. According to Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, it is designed to establish a similar center also in one of the suburbs of Yerevan in the near future.

Afterwards the parliamentarians together with the representatives of the Embassy of Armenia in Sweden visited the fourth largest city of Sweden Uppsala, where they met with the representatives of the country's agricultural sciences, as well as the professors and lecturers of University of Uppsala. The Armenian MPs discussed the prospects of Uppsala University cooperation with the Armenian higher educational institutions.

After taking a tour to the University Mkhitar Hayrapetyan left a note in the Book of Library Visitors of the University functioning for about 6 centuries

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