Exhibition-Sale of Works of Persons with Disabilities in National Assembly
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On December 11, an exhibition-sale of the handmade works of the beneficiaries of the Salvation Center of Disabled Children and Young People took place in the National Assembly.

The President of the Parliament Ararat Mirzoyan, the NA Vice President Alen Simonyan, the NA deputies and the representatives of the Staff attended the event.

Welcoming the authors of the presented works the deputy of the RA NA My Step Faction Lusine Badalyan highlighted the similar events and noted that we should organize them more often in order the persons with disabilities could be integrated into the society.

The Founder of the Salvation Center of Disabled Children and Young People Arpine Abrahamyan has informed that the organization has been working for 20 years. Daily care of the beneficiaries with disabilities is carried out in the Center not to alienate them from the family members and to ease their everyday concerns. According to Arpine Abrahamyan, the exhibition is a good opportunity for presenting the capabilities and working skills of a person with mental problems.

The half of the receipts from the sale of the exhibited works will be allocated to the author, and the other part will be given to the Center for getting working materials.

The clay work Life Goes On was given to Ararat Mirzoyan from the benefactor Alexander Baydrelov.