At Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
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On February 28, the sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan was convened on the previous day.

The Committee members honoured in one-minute silence the memory of the Armenians killed in the city of Sumgait of Azerbaijan on February 27-29.

Afterwards the draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Criminal Procedure Code was debated in the first reading.

According to the key speaker Nikolay Baghdasaryan, as a result of debates with the Government the bill was revised and all the recommendations were presented.

The co-speaker Sergey Atomyan has noted that the draft law is inclined to the rise of the effiency of the investigative actions.

The revised draft law was endorsed by the Committee.

The RA NA deputies Nikolay Baghdasaryan and Nazeli Baghdasaryan presented the bill on Making Amendments and Addendum to the RA Criminal Procedure Code.

The Government submitted a number of proposals on the bill, which were completely accepted by the authors.

The legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Civil Code authored by the Government was debated in the second reading and endorsed at the Committee.

The debates of the draft laws on Making Addenda and Amendments to the RA Constitutional Law on Referendum, on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Flag were postponed up to two months.

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