Current Conclusion of Audit Chamber on Financial-Economic Activity of Yerevan Thermal Electricity Centre CJSC
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On March 10, the regular sitting of the RA NA Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Mane Tandilyan the current conclusion of the Audit Chamber on the Financial-Economic Activity of Yerevan Thermal Electricity Centre CJSC.

The Head of the Third Department of the RA Audit Chamber Gegham Hoveyan noted that audit of 2017-2018 activity compliance and executive sheet audit of the structure was implemented, during which examination, observation, questionnaire, recounting, etc.

The Audit Chamber presented 21 recommendations to Yerevan Thermal Electricity Centre CJSC for eliminating the problems which, according to the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Hakob Vardanyan, mostly were acceptable by the Company. The second part of the sitting went on behind closed doors.