Discussion at RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs
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On March 10, the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs held a working discussion on the implementation of the problems on the advocacy activity sphere in the RA and free legal aid works being provided to the persons by the Office of Public Defender in the frameworks of the public protection.

The Chairman of the Chamber of Advocates Ara Zohrabyan, representatives of the Office of Public Defender and the Institute of the Human Rights Defender took part in the discussion.

Naira Zohrabyan noted that the Committee organized discussions on the expansion of the list of the beneficiaries of the Public Defender’s Institute.

Ara Zohrabyan talked about the problems existing in the sphere. The speaker has underlined that similar discussions serve as evidence that the parliament is not indifferent towards the advocacy institute.

The guests also talked about the overloading of the Public Defenders functioning adjunct to the Chamber.

Being for the strengthening of the Public Defender’s Institute Naira Zohrabyan also highlighted the implementation of the Defender’s obligations in time.

At the end of the discussion the package of the proposals was given to Naira Zohrabyan. The Committee Chair documented that first they would be comprehensively discussed, and then would be put into legislative circulation.