RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan Sends Congratulatory Address on International Day for Protection of Children
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This day of calendar, June 1, shall not only become an occasion to draw additional attention to the little ones, love and admire them, be happy with them, but it will remind us once again that we, as a state and society, have obligations towards our junior citizens.

While wishing every time happy childhood to our little ones, we shall remember that the full protection of their rights is its main pledge: from the qualified education to the social and health guarantees.

Ensuring and protecting the children’s rights is much more than merely the children’s protection. It is a token that our growing citizens will become the caring members of our society, and they will also protect the rights of other vulnerable groups – the women, the elderly people, the persons with disabilities, aspiring to have more caring, more solidary, more protected society. It is the guarantee that we ourselves will continuously strive for being better and kinder next to the children.

Dear little ones, I congratulate you on your holiday. Thank you only for just being.

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